Saturday, September 2, 2017

Circle of Life - Tuesday 5th to Friday 8th @ 19.30

Circle of Life
Ranga Shankara’s AHA! Production
Devised by: Team CoL
45 minutes / No language
For children above 5 years of age.

From childhood to old age, a human life goes through various stages - physically and
emotionally. A child becoming an old man or an old man becoming a child, thus
completing the circle of life, is a miracle in life as each stage of life has its own
unique gift to give to humanity. Let us remember that at each stage of our life, we
are protected and nurtured by nature. We ought to take the same attitude toward
nurturing the human life cycle as we do toward saving environment. Be it a child or a
boy or an old man, life at every stage is precious, very very precious

Marshall And The Mischief - Saturday 2nd @ 21.00

Art Park - Sunday 3rd @ 11.00

Bengaluru International Short Film Festival - until 3rd